July 10, 2012

Wanted: Focus

As the year ticks quickly onward, I find myself realising that we've made little, or next to no progress on game development. Primarily due to the fact that the majority of the year passed so far was spent on full time education. However, summer break is now upon us and I have more time to dedicate myself to releasing a game as soon as humanly possible.

BUTTTT there's a problem. Through college, I spent time procrastinating by working on games, programming, researching sciencey stuff, anything to get away from actually doing my work. Now I have my results, and I no longer need to do any college work, I'm drained. I can't find my buzz to work on games. That's not to say I don't enjoy it, I most certainly do enjoy it. I just can't find the motivation to push me forward. Waking up late in the morning has led me to being stupidly tired at night and I'm no longer able to stay up until sunrise like I used to do - which is an inconvenience since I work best alone at night.

It has always been a problem with me. I can never finish what I start. I've started many games, and finished very few. I've started to read many books, and finished very few. I've started working on many games, and finished very none. Well that's a lie. I've made simple games, but the Marshmallow Zombies team needs dedicated offices with a set up to help me focus on what I'm doing. Sitting at home with a bed close at hand and the ever-increasing distraction of the wonderful Interwebs is not a good recipe for working. Ever.

I'm not even bothered to finish this blog post but you're reading it which is a sign that I can at least have the energy to hit Publish. It draws me in with it's orange glow. Urging me to publicly roll out the post in the middle of a sent-

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